Thursday, November 17, 2011

A great first!

Miss Olivia is 10 but showing already signs of puberty so she's very argumentative, at times moody, very prone to tears - a woman in the making, basically! She's not very good at containing herself when it comes to arguments and both at home and in school this can lead to serious confrontation [with the odd physical contact :-(].

Yesterday, something quite extraordinary happened, hence the post. During big break, two girls from sixth class started teasing Olivia telling her to pull up her trousers as they could see her knickers. Olivia is often careless about these things and I am constantly reminding her to pull up her trousers/fix her top/etc, so I can quite picture the situation. Olivia proceeded to pull up her trousers but she obviously didn't do a good job - and I can see this too, it is a common occurrence! - so the girls kept on giggling and teasing. Normally this would have led either to Olivia ignoring them completely or lashing out at them. INSTEAD, after telling them not to dare talking to her like that again, she turned around and left them there standing. One of her helpers copped on to that and asked her was she upset. Olivia said she was and after the break she told her main teacher about the incident. There was an immediate follow-up with the two girls' teacher and a meeting where the two girls were confronted - Olivia was present - was had. The two girls obviously tried to deny  the incident but Olivia stuck to her guns and eventually she got an apology.
It's days like these that make the bad ones worth putting up with.